Véronique de Villèle (76 years old), known for having hosted the show “Gym Tonic” with Davina in the 80s, now gives classes in nursing homes.
Véronique, the former star presenter of Gym Tonic, is now shaking up nursing homes pic.twitter.com/j1SQ6cjYi4
- BFMTV (@BFMTV) February 12, 2024
The one who starred in the show “Gym Tonic” for years, now helps elderly people move… during classes given live in nursing homes!
If you work your body well, your thighs, your shoulders, your joints, after a while, you start to say that you feel better...
In the 80s, the Gym Tonic show hosted by Véronique & Davina attracted 12 million viewers every Sunday. The courses now given by Véronique in nursing homes are obviously very well attended. The gym teacher has everything planned because once the class is over, seniors can buy the summary book and then reproduce the movements whenever they want.