The Vivi (Vincent) disrupted the blind audition of the Voice from Saturday February 20. The young rapper actually produced a performance of Social Suicide byOrelsan which impressed the jury and the viewers. The Vivi is not unknown on the networks. The young rapper-streamer works on YouTube, where he is followed by 168.000 subscribers as well as on the platform Twitch. We will certainly talk about it again in the coming weeks. In the meantime, rediscover the lyrics of the original version.
Today will be the last day of my existence
The last time I close my eyes
My last silence
I have been looking for a solution to these problems for a long time.
It seems obvious to me now
No more being a photocopy
No more monotony, lobotomy
Today I will wear neither my shirt nor my tie
I won't go to work, I won't give a paw
Goodbye office workers and their tidy lives
If you could miss yours, that would suit them
It would take up a little space in their cramped brains
It would confirm them in their mediocrity
Goodbye chubby reps
Who never drink water as if they don't want to get wet
Salespeople who smell of aftershave and cassoulet
Put some mayonnaise on their briefcase, they'll eat it
Goodbye, goodbye senile old accountants
Goodbye to stupid secretaries and their sterile discussions
Farewell to young, newly graduated executives
What would the corpses pile up to reach the top?
Goodbye to all these great CEOs
Try to open your golden parachute when you get thrown out of a window
They make their money on desperate employees
And act like scared virgins when they get kidnapped
All these sons of someone
These sons of a snobby bitch
Who share three quarters of the world's wealth
Goodbye little bosses
These gentrified rednecks
Who earn RTT to pay for their summer vacation
Goodbye workers, these expired products
It's the law of the market my friend, you're only ready to get fired
That'll stop you from fattening up your ugly kid
Who will be jumped by a fireman, who will end up as a hairdresser
Goodbye to the countryside and its filthy families
Close to pork to the point of catching foot and mouth disease
All these old women, these gossips who eat each other
These old cheapskates and their penny savings
Goodbye to this deep France
Deeply stupid, greedy, useless, putrid
It's over, you're a century late
No one needs your incest tapes anymore
Goodbye to all these pretentious people in the capital
Who try to prove they're better than you every time they talk to you
All these assholes in advertising, in finance
In communications, in TV, in music, in fashion
These Parisians, never happy, slanderers
Falsely cultured, barely intelligent
These replicants who think they have a monopoly on good taste
Who look at the province with contempt
Goodbye southerners stunned by their scorching sun
Their only goal in life is the third half
Welcoming, supposedly
They kiss you with a smile
You can see it by the way they drive
Goodbye to these new fascists
Who justify their shitty lives with racist ideals
Became neo-Nazis because you had no passion
Instead of playing the SS, find something to do
Goodbye piranhas in their suburbs
Who see no further than the end of their hatred to the point that they eat each other
Who become aggressive once they are at 12
Only they wouldn't lift a finger in a thumb fight
Goodbye average young people, the worst of all
These baltringes can't stand the slightest shake
Farewell the sons of bourges
Who have everything but don't know what to do with it
Give them Eden they will make it Hell for you
Goodbye to all those depressed teachers
You failed your own life, how are you going to raise my sons?
Farewell to the strikers and their CGT
Who spend less time looking for solutions than shouting slogans
Who whip the defeat of the tracksuit in the face
Transform any demonstration into a village party
Goodbye journalists who make images say what they want
Would sell their own mother to sell a few prints
Goodbye to the housewife in front of her screen
Ready to swallow the shit thrown between his teeth
Who asks no questions as long as she consumes
Who is even surprised to be hit by their man anymore?
Farewell, these self-righteous associations
These dictators of good conscience
Very happy that they are being wronged
It is the one who condemns the strongest
Goodbye repressed, overexcited lesbians
Who seek in their femininity a reason to exist
Goodbye to those who live through their sexuality
Dancing on carts, is that your pride?
Care Bears and their rainbow power
Who would make me believe that being straight is old fashioned
So so touchy
To prove that you're not homophobic, you'll soon have to suck guys off
Farewell my nation, all these incompetents in the administrations
These kings of inaction
With their buildings that make you want to vomit
Who purposely open at times when no one can come
Meh, all these pathetic sheep
Change a function in their software, they become unemployed
About the same IQ as these filthy cops
Who don't know how to construct a sentence apart from their dirty lines
Goodbye politicians, talking about them would be wasting my time
The whole system is completely incompetent
Goodbye sects, goodbye religious people
Those who would like to impose rules on me so that I live better
Goodbye to the drunks who never return home
Who prefer to be fucked in the ass by the Française des Jeux
Goodbye crooked bankers
The world is theirs
Goodbye to all the pigeons that eat out of their hands
I understand that I have nothing to do here when I plug in the one
Farewell France by Joséphine Ange-Gardien
Goodbye hippies their naivety which will change nothing
Goodbye to SMs, libertines and all these unhealthy people
Goodbye to these committed pseudo-artists
Full of demagogue banalities in the trachea
Listening to singers preaching pisses me off
Try to write good words before preaching them
Goodbye to the little Mongolians who only know how to write in abbreviations
Goodbye to the undocumented, the tramps, all these piles of waste
I hate them!
Athletes, hooligans in stadiums
The city dwellers, the bumpkins in their stables
The marginalized, the respectable people
The unemployed, the stable jobs, the geniuses, the passable people
From the biggest scoundrel to the Medal of Merit
From the first lady to the last worker in the country!