Funeral of Jane Birkin: A difficult moment for Charlotte and Lou.July 24, 2023 189Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane Birkin
Funeral of Jane Birkin: The very moving tribute from Lou Doillon and Charlotte Gainsbourg.July 24, 2023 113Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane Birkin
The complicity between Jane Birkin and Brigitte Bardot in the film “Don Juan 73”.July 20, 2023 185Categories Artists Films InfoLabels Brigitte BardotJane Birkin
Didn't Serge Lama trip up with his poem message for Jane Birkin?July 20, 2023 37Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane BirkinSerge Lama
The first joint press release from Charlotte Gainsbourg and Lou Doillon since the death of their mother.July 17, 2023 51Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane Birkin
Jane Birkin (14/12/1946 – 16/07/2023). She will forever remain a timeless icon.July 16, 2023 32Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane Birkin
The documentary “Jane by Charlotte” takes on another dimension. Too moving...July 16, 2023 12Categories Artists Films InfoLabels Charlotte GainsbourgJane Birkin
Jane Birkin: Her last appearances showed her suffering but also her great courage.July 16, 2023 23Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane Birkin
Jane Birkin is dead. She was 76 years oldJuly 16, 2023 22Categories Artists InfoLabels Jane BirkinSerge Gainsbourg