"La La Land” is a 2016 American romantic musical film, written and directed by Damien Chazelle. The film stars Ryan Gosling et Emma Stone in the lead roles, respectively those of a struggling jazz pianist and an aspiring actress, who meet and fall in love while pursuing their dreams at Los Angeles. The film received critical acclaim and commercial success, grossing over $448 million worldwide, with a production budget of $30 million. It was first screened at the 73rd Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2016, then released in USA on December 9 of the same year. “La La Land” has won several awards, including six Oscars, including that of best actress for Emma Stone and that of best director for Damien Chazelle.
The film tells the love story between Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a pianist passionate about jazz, and Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress. They meet at Los Angeles and support each other in the pursuit of their dreams, while facing the difficulties and compromises inherent in their artistic careers.
"La La Land” is praised for its original music, choreography and acting performances. The film's soundtrack, composed by Justin hurwitz, has won several awards, including theOscar of the best original music.