David Bowie: The Extraterrestrial disappeared on January 10, 2016, 2 days after the release of his last album.10th January 2021 22Categories Artists Concert excerpt pop-rockLabels David Bowie
“Verdun” Michel Sardou11th November 2020 24Categories Artists French song Concert excerpt Unclassified (e) VarietyLabels Michel Sardou
Emily Rose Hastings plays Pink Floyd, Eagles, Guns N' Roses.22 September 2020 21Categories TalentLabels EaglesEmily Rose HastingsGuns N 'RosesPink Floyd
Kurt Cobain's guitar (Nirvana) sold for 6 million dollars.22rd June 2020 18Categories InfoLabels Nirvana
1981 – “Everyone does what they please” from Chagrin d’amour is the first French rap…23 May 2020 71Categories Artists French song Flashback The 80 years VarietyLabels
Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber accused of cheating by buying hits!19 May 2020 36Categories Info InternationalLabels Ariana GrandeJustin Bieber