Julien Doré finished his long tour “Aimee Tour” on December 11 at Brussels. On Monday, December 26, he released a video that takes us behind the scenes of this last evening. We see him breaking down in tears several times. His tour was a huge success since it brought together more than 600 people in the biggest venues. France and Belgium. His last concert took place on December 11 at National Forest de Brussels.
It's still weird to do all that, to work so much, to build so much, for it to always end... It's crazy. It's like imagining the pyramids of Egypt but that can be dismantled. We create an incredible project and once it's beautiful, at its best... We dismantle it. It's weird. But hey, it's always like that, I won't be surprised. I feel like I'm surprised every time. This tour was still way above anything I've done. It was so true. (…) It’s great to finish very, very high again. It sucks but it's perfect. Watching me leave is super weird. Watching the character from the tour on the screen leave... There's something super powerful. I simply imagined the artistic part of my life returning to darkness... For a light. A quieter light that’s just as pretty to live with.
Julien finds his family in the Cévennes, his two dogs, Simone et Jean-Marc but especially his one-year-old son. We see him taking a walk near the castle where he filmed the “Barracuda II” music video.
I said to myself that it wouldn't be bad if we came back here, to the origin of the album, where we shot the first images. It's still a good symbol. Now we have our whole lives ahead of us. We're going to have to write songs. We'll have to eat kibble. No more glitter, no more show business. Back to our family life
Thank you Julien for everything you gave to your audience during this magnificent tour. Rest well and enjoy yours! See you soon for new songs