Pascal Obispo and Carla Bruni offer us today the title His childlike soul which will be included in Pascal Obispo's new album The Archipelago of Sequels which will be released on November 15.
The music is signed Pascal Obispo and the lyrics are Carla Bruni. It is one of the rare times when the singer does not call upon the talents of the illustrious Lionel florence for one of his new titles.
Pascal and I have known each other for 30 years. We met before I wrote music. It was my dream to work with him. He sometimes asked me for lyrics. He loved what I had done for Julien Clerc and from that moment on, something opened up. And then we never could because he is very fast and I am very, very slow. And then, we succeeded! ...
From my childhood, I keep melancholy and a real taste for solitude and a kind of refuge, already at that time, which would be music, fantasy. Indeed, I believe that creation comes from that moment. I believe that all children are creative, whatever the profession they choose later, all humans have access to that and I believe that they remember it. That's what Son âme d'enfant is about, it's a refuge.