Emmanuel Moire had adopted him only a few weeks ago. The Australian Shepherd puppy soan was only three months old. The singer is devastated by this loss which he shared on his Instagram account.
I had left Soan with friends because I was working, I didn't want to take him with me and I wanted him to get used to being without me for a bit. He cried a lot in his crate, so they took him out and left him free at night. He managed to snack on lots of things, including a box of chocolates. Soan died of poisoning. I am devasted.
EmMoire manual is very marked by this event because he was very, very attached to his little dog, proof of which is his testimonies that he shared in recent weeks on Instagram.
Soan sets the pace for my days, he plays, he sleeps, he eats his kibble from my hand, he wants me to play with him, then he hides his toys in the house, he sleeps, in his basket or on me on the sofa, he loves the caresses of my hands, he loves the sound of my piano, he follows me everywhere from the kitchen to the bathroom, he pees and little droppings in the garden, he eats grass, he loves it when I walking, he likes meeting new people, he likes discovering new things every day, he doesn't like the night because I'm not with him“, wrote Emmanuel Moire in a long list. “He doesn't understand everything but he tries, he has love in his eyes, he likes being by my side and I love that. "
Above all, do not leave chocolate within reach of dogs. It's poison for them.