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A Sunday in the Countryside: In tears, Calogero recounts the turning point that changed his life when he was a teenager...

This Sunday, December 22, Frédéric Lopez welcomed new guests to his show “Un dimanche à la campagne”: comedian Nora Hamzawi, author Valérie Perrin and singer Calogero. In the attic of the house, the latter will reveal himself by talking about his childhood and then his adolescence during which he will have a trigger that will turn his life upside down.

The famous trigger comes one day when his father is ashamed of him. He steals a Bob Marley record from a store and gets caught by the security guards.What are you looking for?” his brother asks him. That day, when he returns home, his father does not speak to him. When recalling this moment in the show, Calogero, filled with emotion, literally breaks down in tears…

My life changed, I started my band a week later. I felt like I had to prove myself… I wanted to show them that I was going to do something with my life… Two weeks later, he was very proud because we made our first songs

“C à Vous”: Marine, winner of “Star Academy” sings her new song “Ma faute” live

“Tadpoles” Pascal Obispo explains and qualifies his remarks about the younger generation. Pierre Garnier, for his part, puts it into perspective “I hope to one day become a frog”…

The Voice: Sorenza's interpretation and tone of voice made all the coaches turn around.

What an era: In Léa Salamé's show, Hugues Aufray mourns the death of his brother who committed suicide in 1955.

The Voice: “Honestly, you blew everyone away” Florent Pagny congratulates Maag after his performance.

Footloose: Watch the wild dance of the “Dancing With the Stars” jury again…

DALS: Florent Manaudou replays the lift scene from “Dirty Dancing” with JM Généreux then with his partner Elsa Bois.

Dancing With The Stars: Lénie Vacher and Jordan Mouillerac start off very strong!